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Make a Joyful Choice! Join Us!  

Embracing joyful ways of connecting with and preserving creation is fun and rewarding. You can make a difference!

Every small action that we take to green-up our houses of faith, reduce our carbon footprints (and pawprints!) and bring ecologically sustainable food to those in need is a game changer. Everyone is welcome, wanted, and valued in the fight to protect our Sacred Home.


If everyone on Earth lived the American Dream it would take 4.9 earths to support that lifestyle. We can do better. Education plays a key role in living sustainably as an inter-faith community. We offer fun, engaging, fulfilling volunteer programs to share ideas on ways to reduce, repurpose, and renew existing materials while directly addressing needs of our community.

These are just a few examples of ways we strive to make a difference. 

For more information, please join us!

Memphis Sew-Quilt Fiber Arts Club

Find great ways to repurpose fabrics and thrift store finds with our free programs! Take classes to learn how to sew, quilt, embroider, knit, and crochet in support of reducing waste while making a difference. Join Today!

SewQuilt Banner.jpg

Love Caps for the Homeless

The Helping Hands goal is 300 caps this year to hand out to homeless members of our community through Room In the Inn Memphis

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Wardrobe in a Weekend

"New season, new styles, buy more, buy cheap, move on, throw away: the pollution, waste, and emissions of fast fashion are fueling the triple planetary crisis. " (UN Environment Program) Learn to take gently used items from the thrift store, your closets, or even use old linens, to create high quality garments and home fashions. Reducing our consumer habits is both fun and rewarding!

Grungy Grey Print T-Shirt
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